Marvel Spotlight #9 1980 (FN/VF) 1st Appearance of Mister E! NEWSSTAND!
Champions #1 Marvel 1975 (FN-) 1st Team App of the Champions!
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #5 1984 (VF+) X-Men Appearance!
Uncanny X-Men #248 Marvel 1989 (NM) 1st Jim Lee Art on X-Men!
Justice League of America Annual #2 DC 1984 (NM+) 1st Gypsy! NEWSSTAND!
Justice League of America Annual #2 DC 1984 (NM+) Canadian Price Variant!
Weird War Tales #113 DC 1981 (VF+) 1st App of J.A.K.E - 2! NEWSSTAND!
Weird War Tales #101 DC 1981 (FN-) 1st G.I. Robot! NEWSSTAND!
Marvel Spotlight #6 1980 (FN/VF) 1st Starlord in Comics! NEWSSTAND!
Spawn #13 Image 1993 (VF/NM) NEWSSTAND! Chapel's Disfigurement Origin!
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #6 1984 (NM-) 1st Julia Carpenter Cameo!
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #4 1984 (NM-) Mike Zeck Cover!
Fantastic Four #243 Marvel 1982 (VF/NM) John Byrne Battle Cover!
Wolverine #2 Marvel Comics 1982 (NM-) 1st Full Appearance of Yukio!
Conan the Barbarian #24 Marvel 1973 (FN+) 1st Full App of Red Sonja!
West Coast Avengers #45 1989 (VF) 1st Appearance of White Vision!
Star Wars #7 Marvel 1977 (FN+) 1st Appearance of Crimson Jack!
Star Wars #6 Marvel Comics 1977 (FN/VF) Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker!
Star Wars #5 Marvel Comics 1977 (FN+) 1st Appearance of Wedge Antilles!
Star Wars #4 Marvel Comics 1977 (VF-) Iconic Darth Vader Cover!
New Mutants #26 Marvel 1984 (NM-) 1st Appearance of Legion!
Spider-Woman #37 Marvel 1981 (NM-) 1st Appearance of Syrin!
Fantastic Four #243 Marvel 1982 (VF-) John Byrne Cover! NEWSSTAND!