G.I. Joe #1 Marvel 1982 (NM-) 1st Appearance of Snake Eyes! NEWSSTAND!
Detective Comics #523 DC 1983 (VF+) 1st Killer Croc Cameo!
Spidey Super Stories #1 Marvel 1974 (FN) Origin of Electro!
Iron Man #118 Marvel 1979 (FN+) 1st Appearance of James Rhodes!
Avengers #257 Marvel 1985 (VF-) 1st Appearance of Nebula! NEWSSTAND!
New X-Men #114 Marvel 2001 (NM-) 1st Appearance of Cassandra Nova!
Uncanny X-Men #167 Marvel 1982 (NM) Death of Professor X! CPV!
Zatanna Special #1 DC 1987 (NM) One-Shot! Grey Morrow Cover & Art!
Amazing Spider-Man #101 Marvel 1971 (G/VG) 1st Appearance of Morbius!
Spawn #1 Image 1992 (NM) 1st Appearance of Spawn! NEWSSTAND!
Dr. Strange #1 Marvel 1974 (VF/NM) 1st Appearance of Silver Dagger!
Dazzler #1 Marvel Comics 1981 (VF+) 1st Solo Series!
Uncanny X-Men #244 Marvel 1989 (NM) 1st Appearance of Jubilee!
Uncanny X-Men #221 Marvel 1987 (NM) 1st Appearance of Mr. Sinister!
Uncanny X-Men #142 Marvel 1980 (NM-) Days of Future Past Part 2!
Uncanny X-Men #141 Marvel 1980 (NM-) 1st App of Rachel (2nd Phoenix)
Supernatural Thrillers #5 Marvel 1973 (VG-) 1st App of the Living Mummy!
The Punisher #1 Marvel 1987 (NM+) 1st Ongoing Series!
The Demon #1 DC 1972 (FN/VF) 1st Appearance of Etrigan the Demon!
Amazing Spider-Man #39 Marvel 1966 (G/VG) 1st Romita in Spider-Man!
Legend of Zelda Vol. 1 #2 Valiant 1991 (VF+) 2nd Series
Batman #332 DC 1981 (NM-) 1st Solo Catwoman Story! NEWSSTAND!
Superman Man of Steel #18 DC 1992 (NM) 1st Full App of Doomsday!
Amazing Spider-Man #251 Marvel 1984 (NM-) Canadian Price Variant!