Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1 DC 1982 (NM-) MOTU Preview!
Detective Comics #523 DC 1983 (VF+) 1st Killer Croc Cameo!
DC Comics Presents Vol. 1 #3 1978 (FN+) RARE Whitman Variant!
DC Comics Presents Vol. 1 #2 1978 (FN+) RARE Whitman Variant!
Batman #344 DC 1982 (VF/NM) Classic Joe Kubert Cover! NEWSSTAND!
Marvel Team-Up #117 Marvel 1982 (VF+) 1st Spider-Man Wolverine Team-Up!
Uncanny X-Men #167 Marvel 1982 (NM-) Death of Professor X! CPV!
X-Men #138 Marvel Comics 1980 (VF) Cyclops Leaves the X-Men!
Uncanny X-Men #126 Marvel 1979 (FN/VF) 1st Full Proteus! NEWSSTAND!
X-Men #107 Marvel 1977 (VG/FN) 1st Full Appearance of Starjammers!
X-Men #105 Marvel 1977 (FN-) 1st Full Appearance of Lilandra!
X-Men #104 Marvel 1977 (VG-) 1st Cameo Appearance of the Starjammers!
X-Men #99 Marvel 1976 (VG) 1st Appearance of Black Tom Cassidy!
X-Men #98 Marvel 1976 (VG) 1st Appearance of Amanda Sefton!
X-Men #95 Marvel 1975 (G/VG) Death of Thunderbird! 3rd App New X-Men!
Spectacular Spider-Man #200 Marvel 1983 (NM+) Sal Buscema! Foil Cover!
Marvel Team-Up #103 1981 (VF+) 2nd App of Taskmaster! NEWSSTAND!
Daredevil #183 Marvel 1982 (VF-) 1st Battle with Punisher! NEWSSTAND!
Moon Knight #1 Marvel 1980 (FN+) 1st Solo Series! NEWSSTAND!
Marvel Team-Up #131 1983 (VF+) 1st Appearance of White Rabbit!
Wolverine #1 Marvel 1982 (NM) Classic Frank Miller Cover! 1st Solo Series
Uncanny X-Men #131 Marvel 1980 (VF/NM) 2nd App of Dazzler! NEWSSTAND!
Captain America #180 Marvel 1974 (VF) 1st Appearance of Nomad!
Avengers #196 Marvel 1980 (FN/VF) 1st Full Appearance of Task Master!