Ben Casey #4 Dell 1963 (VF+) Marijuana & Heroin Use Story!
Fantastic Four #62 Marvel 1967 (VG+) 1st Appearance of Blastaar!
Brave and the Bold #55 DC Comics 1966 (VF-) HIGH GRADE!
Brave and the Bold #64 DC 1966 (VF) Batman Vs. Eclipso! HIGH GRADE!
Strange Tales #123 Marvel 1964 (VG-) 1st Beetle! 1st Thor Crossover!
Tales of Suspense #76 Marvel 1966 (FN+) 1st Appearance of Ultimo!
Strange Adventures #184 DC 1966 (FN/VF) 2nd App of Animal Man!
Batman #195 DC 1967 (VG/FN) 1st Appearance of Bag O' Bones!
Adventure Comics #293 DC 1962 (VG) 1st Legion of Super-Pets!
Thor #129 Marvel 1966 (VG+) 1st Appearance of Ares!
House of Secrets #81 DC 1969 (VG+) 1st App of Abel! Neal Adams!
Showcase #9 DC 1957 1st Lois Lane Try-Out! 1st & 2nd Wrap Missing
House of Mystery #175 DC 1968 (FN-) 1st App of Cain! Neal Adams!
Showcase #75 DC 1968 (VF-) 1st Appearance of Hawk & Dove! Ditko!
Journey into Mystery #97 1963 (VG+) 1st Lava Man! 1st Surtur! Odin Origin!
Superman #153 DC 1962 (VF+) Curt Swan Cover! HIGH GRADE!
Showcase #60 DC 1966 (FN) 1st Silver Age Spectre! 1st Azomodus!
Superboy #132 DC 1966 (VG+) 1st Appearance of Supremo!
Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #71 DC 1967 (FN-) 2nd S.A. Catwoman!
The Conqueror #690 Dell 1956 (VF-) John Wayne as Genghis Khan!
Superman #199 DC Comics 1967 (G/VG) 1st Superman/Flash Race!
Superman #136 DC Comics 1960 (G/VG) Classic Curt Swan Cover!
Adventure Comics #346 DC Comics 1966 (VG) 1st App of Karate Kid!
Tales of Suspense #82 Marvel 1966 (VF-) 1st App of Adaptoid!