Journey Into Mystery #94 Marvel 1963 (VG-) Early Loki Appearance!
Marvel Super Heroes #18 Marvel 1969 (VG-) 1st Guardians of the Galaxy!
Fantastic Four #53 Marvel 1966 (VG+) 2nd App of Black Panther! 1st Klaw!
Fantastic Four #67 Marvel 1967 (GD+) Origin & 1st Appearance of HIM!
Fantastic Four #72 Marvel 1967 (VG-) Iconic Kirby Silver Surfer Cover!
Avengers #28 Marvel 1966 (G/VG) 1st Appearance of Goliath!
Tales to Astonish #92 Marvel 1967 (VF-) Silver Surfer Cameo!
Captain America #113 Marvel 1969 (VG-) Classic Steranko Cover!
Captain America #105 Marvel Comics 1968 (FN-) Batroc App!
King Size Avengers #1 Marvel 1967 (FN/VF) New Team VS Old Team!
Tales to Astonish #67 Marvel 1965 Giant-Man & Hulk Kirby Cover!
Brave and the Bold #38 DC 1961 4th App of the Suicide Squad!
Avengers #36 Marvel 1967 (FN+) Black Widow Appearance!
Avengers #35 Marvel 1966 (VF-) 2nd Appearance of the Living Laser!
Avengers #26 Marvel Comics 1966 (FN/VF) Attuma Appearance!
Avengers #22 Marvel 1965 (FN-) 2nd Appearance of Power Man!
Avengers #20 Marvel 1965 (FN/VF) 2nd App of the Swordsman!
The Fly #14 Archie 1961 (GD+) 1st Appearance of Fly Girl!
Avengers #47 Marvel 1967 (VG+) 1st Dane Whitman (Black Knight)
Avengers #54 Marvel 1968 (FN-) 1st Cameo Appearance of Ultron!
X-Men #45 marvel Comics 1968 (FN-) Origin of Iceman!
X-Men #38 Marvel Comics 1967 (VF-) Origin of the X-Men!
Tales To Astonish #93 Marvel 1967 (FN/VF) 1st Silver Surfer Outside FF!
X-Men #58 Marvel Comics 1969 (VG+) 1st Appearance of Havok! Neal Adams!