Green Lantern #35 DC 1965 (FN-) 1st Appearance of the Aerialist!
X-Men #54 Marvel 1969 (FN+) 1st Appearance of Alex Summers (Havok)
Avengers #16 Marvel 1965 (GD+) 1st New Avengers Line-Up!
Amazing Spider-Man #20 VG+/FN 1st appearance of Scorpion!
Amazing Spider-Man #45 VF-/VF 3rd appearance of Lizard!
Avengers #57 FN+ 1st appearance of Vision!
Amazing Spider-Man #61 FN- 1st cover app of Gwen Stacy!
Fantastic Four #65 CGC 8.0 (1967) 1st Appearance of Ronan the Accuser!
Amazing Spider-Man #79 Marvel 1969 (FN+) 2nd App of the Prowler!
Iron Man #4 Marvel 1968 (FN-) Unicorn Appearance! Johnny Craig Art!
Iron Man #5 Marvel 1968 (VF-) Cerberus Appearance! Stan Lee!
Iron Man #8 Marvel Comics 1968 (VF/NM) Classic Gladiator Cover!
Iron Man #7 Marvel Comics 1968 (VF/NM) Classic Gladiator Cover!
Iron Man #3 Marvel Comics 1968 (VF+) Johnny Craig Cover & Art!
Showcase #43 CGC 7.0 (1963) 1st Silver Age Movie Adaptation of Doctor No!
Captain America #117 CGC 6.5 (1969) Origin & 1st App of the Falcon!
X-Men #17 CGC 8.0 (1966) Magneto Appearance! Jack Kirby!
Batman #189 CGC 4.0 (1967) 1st Silver Age Appearance of Scarecrow!
Journey Into Mystery #98 Marvel 1963 (FN) 1st Appearance of Cobra!
Avengers #58 Marvel 1968 (NM-) 2nd Silver Age App of Vision! HIGH GRADE
Amazing Spider-Man #77 Marvel 1969 (VG) Human Torch Appearance!
Amazing Spider-Man #80 Marvel 1965 (FN/VF) Chameleon Appearance!
Amazing Spider-Man #28 Marvel 1965 (GD+) 1st App of Molten Man!
Amazing Spider-Man #92 Marvel 1971 (FN/VF) X-Men Crossover!